If you want to start a home based business, you will have to learn how to satisfy every customer on an individual basis. It is unrealistic to expect that everyone will purchase a high-ticket item just because it is an industry leader, and for this reason it is extremely important that you have a range of products that will be reachable to everyone, no matter what their current financial situation.
Let's take a look at three types of products that can essentially teach the same but are drastically different in price:
#1 - The low-priced product
Let's say your business is all about helping people lose weight, and you want to provide someone who has very little income with a high-quality product that can help them lose their excess weight. For this type of customer, you could create a 40 page ebook that will only cost $10. Now, you may have the same information in the ebook that you have in your 1-month video tutorials, but because the ebook is easier to create it can be perceived to have less value, and so it will fit into a low-priced category that even someone with very little disposable income can afford.
#2 - The mid-level priced product
Now a mid-level priced product can range anywhere from $100-$1000 depending on your particular niche. If you have a product of this price, you will have to provide more value than you would compared to the ebook from example #1. So while you may in essence give the customer the same information, you could increase the value by including some audio or video component, which increases value and increases the ease by which the customer will achieve their results. While this product is more valuable to the customer than the first example, it should be less aggressive of a product than your high-ticket items.
#3 - The high-ticket priced product
Now this is the product that is for those with a higher level of disposable income and for those who are very interested in achieving the best results in the shortest period of time. As compared to the products in examples 1 and 2, this product should have added value that makes it more effective to the buyer. For example, something that has high-ticket value can be a consulting product, where there is either face-to-face instruction or 1-on-1 instruction over the phone. If you are more interested in an automated high-ticket product, you could put together a audio or video course that lasts several days to several months and provides more detailed instruction to the customer.
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